42Gears Mobility Systems Приложения

Locked File Explorer 1.26
42Gears Mobility Systems
File Explorer to restrict users to justwhitelisted files and foldersFeatures include* Restricted file access* Import/Export of configuration for mass deployment* Branding SupportNote : For complete lockdown, use this in conjunction withSureLock
VeriPro 0.7
42Gears Mobility Systems
Field verification system running on mobiledevices such as smartphones and tablets
Network Keyboard
42Gears Mobility Systems
Typing on Android made easy with Network Keyboard
Enterprise Agent LG 3.79
42Gears Mobility Systems
Enterprise Agent uses Android Device Administrator permission foradvanced mobile device management features. Please note followingpoints before installation: 1. This is a special version ofEnterprise Agent meant for LG devices only. 2. This enterpriseagent will enable advanced features for SureLock, SureFox andSureMDM Nix Agent only. If you are using LG device with SureLock,SureFox, SureMDM Nix Agent or a combination of these products,install this LG certified Enterprise Agent apk to enable advancedfeatures in all above mentioned products without rooting. Advancedlockdown in SureLock and SureFox includes: • Schedule reboot •Disable applications • Enable/Disable GPS • Enable/Disable MobileData • Enable/Disable Airplane • Kill unallowed applicationsAdvance management features in SureMDM includes: • SilentInstallation/uninstallation • Remote control • Clear app data •Remote reboot If you already have SureLock, SureFox and SureMDM NixAgent installed, there is no need to install them again. Justidentify the correct version of Enterprise Agent for the LG devicesfrom Google playstore and install it. Once done, to check ifEnterprise Agent is working on your device, follow below-mentionedsteps: 1. Launch SureLock/SureFox/SureMDM Nix Agent 2. AccessSureLock/SureFox/SureMDM Nix Agent Settings 3. Tap on AboutSureLock/ About SureFox/ SureMDM Nix Settings 4. Check underEnterpriseAgent option, it should be "Remote" 5. If it shows"Local", check if Enterprise Agent that you have downloaded is theright one for the device or contact our tech support team attechsupport@42gears.com.
SureFox Kiosk Browser Lockdown 14.22003
42Gears Mobility Systems
Allow users to visit only whitelisted websites, Run device in kioskmode.
SureVideo Kiosk Video Looper 04.72002
42Gears Mobility Systems
Play and loop videos continuously on Android Tablets and TV Sticksin Kiosk mode
SureLock Kiosk Lockdown 21.24010
42Gears Mobility Systems
Enterprise Kiosk Lockdown Tool. Turn Android devices into dedicatedkiosks.
42Gears SureMDM 27.25009
42Gears Mobility Systems
Secure, Monitor, and Manage your Android devices from one centralweb console.
SureMDM Agent for Smartwatches 1.45
42Gears Mobility Systems
Enroll SmartWatches to SureMDM and remotely manage them overwireless Network
AstroContacts 3.0.6
42Gears Mobility Systems
AstroContacts is an Enterprise Contact Management tool thatallowsseamless sharing of contacts among mobile team members. Auser canquickly lookup a contact then call, email or text them withjust atap.
SureDefense - MTD Agent for SureMDM 01.00.07
42Gears Mobility Systems
As the threat landscape continues to expand and evolve,it’simperative for organizations to identify cybersecurity risksintime to ensure data and device security. In addition, enabledandempowered employees accessing business-critical informationanytimeand from anywhere is also making businesses vulnerabletosophisticated cyberattacks. That’s where SureDefence, amobilethreat defense solution by 42Gears, can help. SureDefenseprovidesprotection against threat vectors such as: Malware:Malicioussoftware intentionally designed by hackers for illegalactivitiessuch as eavesdropping or collecting passwords MaliciousApps: Fake,unknown, or dead apps that are repacked and laced withmaliciouscodes Phishing: Links sent to targeted recipients whichwhenclicked result in identity theft, compromised passwords,and/ordata leakage System Vulnerabilities: Unpatched OSes orrootedendpoints within a perimeter-less environment that canmakebusinesses fall prey to malware Man-in-the-Middle Attacks:Stealsensitive information from people connected to unsecurednetworksSureDefense works at multiple levels to ensure security-application, device, and network. It has different scan modestomonitor potentially harmful installed apps, and malware files.•Basic Device Scan - Scans installed applications only •LightDevice Scan - Scans to monitor rooted devices anddownloadsdirectory • Light Plus - Scans to monitor unusual behaviorandprotect devices against anti-viruses. • Recommended Device Scan-Scans the entire internal storage, and monitors unusualbehaviorand protect devices against anti-viruses • Full Device Scan-Thoroughly scans the overall device and external memory cardstodetect infected objects and adwares Feature Set •MalwareDetection: Identifies and protects against different kindsofmalware • Protection Against Phishing & Fake Apps:Blocksaccess to malicious and undesirable websites, applicationsandfiles • Application Monitoring - Scans apps and analyzestheapplication code for any risks • Secure Connectivity —Protectsinternet connections using Wi-Fi analyzer • Anti Spam -Detectcalls and messages from unsolicited and unwanted contactsblockthem
SureLock for Smartwatch 2.74
42Gears Mobility Systems
Support wearable in your businesses to strengthencommunication,enhance workforce mobility and productivity,especially inchallenging industries like hospitality, real estateandconstruction, transportation, healthcare and mining.42Gears'SureLock for Wearable allows Android smartwatches to belocked downwith access to only required applications or run only asingleapplication. In addition to lockdown, SureLock forAndroidSmartwatch also be seamlessly integrated with SureMDM forremotemonitoring and security management. Features: AppWhitelisting -Lockdown Android smartwatch with access to onlyallowedapplications. Single Application Mode - Lock your smartwatchwithjust one application in the foreground. Remote Settings - UseLocalnetwork to remotely configure or edit SureLocksettings.Customizable UI - Customize Android smartwatch withdesiredwallpapers to suit your company's branding. DeviceEnrollment -Enroll devices in seconds with Import/Export Settingsoption toperform bulk enrollment.
CamLock 1.6.2
42Gears Mobility Systems
Prevent data leakage through pictures. Block employee & visitorphone cameras
CamLock Sentry 1.09
42Gears Mobility Systems
With cyberthreats getting more sophisticated by the day,protectingbusiness data has become the top priority for businesses.To thatend, businesses are adopting various tools according totheir needsto improve data security. One such tool designed to helpbusinessesstrengthen security is CamLock Sentry, an intuitive QRcodegenerator app used with CamLock to block/unlock camerasquicklywithout any hassle. Developed by 42Gears, CamLock Sentry isbuiltto ensure the visitor/employee cameras are blocked at check-inandunblocked at the checkout by scanning QR codes. It is anintuitiveQR code generator app that generates/refreshes QR codesevery 60seconds. The app generates QR codes encrypted by a keyformed bycombining the Initial Vector and a Gateway auth key.Primaryfeatures: Helps block and unblock a phone’s camera easily QRCodesare refreshed every 60 seconds Has Block camera,AppUninstallation, and QR Code Refresh Interval asconfigurableoptions. Benefits of Using CamLock Sentry: The processof screeningvisitors/employees in business premises during check-inandcheck-out is simplified. All that admins have to do is scan theQRcode from the visitor’s smartphone to block or unblockthevisitor’s phone camera.
SureMDM NFC Provisioner 1.0.1
42Gears Mobility Systems
Provision work managed devices to SureMDM console using NFC.